Robert Gordon Powell (1948-2020) was a visionary artist and architect who shared his unique perceptions of Asian architecture, art and culture with the world.

With an eye beguiled by beauty and a heart attuned to the strange and ineffable qualities of physical heritage, Robert was a magician with pen, pencil and brush. His deep fascination with the cultures and beliefs invisibly intertwined with his subjects is also noticeably present within his signature style. This curiosity with physical representations of ritual presence results in hidden layers to his craft that are only revealed upon closer appreciation of his work.

With an eye beguiled by beauty and a heart attuned to the strange and ineffable qualities of physical heritage, Robert was a magician with pen, pencil and brush.

Robert Powell - Himalayan Art
Robert Gordon Powell (1948-2020)

Robert Powell’s watercolours, acrylics and sketches vividly capture his impassioned and knowledgeable appreciation of remote regions and rare cultures.

XII. Paper Sculptures

View paper sculptures

XIII. Shaman Artefacts

View Shaman artefacts

XIIII. Greece

View art from Greece

Featured Reviews

On Video

We currently have two treasured videos in our archive that feature Robert Powell sharing some of his inspirations and the techniques he used as an artist. As well as describing works from China and Mustang, Robert is also interviewed about his ‘Images of Tantra’ exhibition in Thailand.


Robert Powell authored two highly detailed books about the Himalayas. While his artwork provides the anchor for each publication, it is Rob’s depth of knowledge and the way he forensically studies, portrays and discusses his subjects that lifts these works to higher literary peaks.

Paintings of Mustang by Robert Powell

Mustang’s windswept landscape is stripped of comfort and is dramatic and overwhelming in scale. Almost every construction bears signs of ritual activity, and these hardy structures became the focus for Rob’s paintings.

Himalayan Drawings
by Robert Powell

Himalayan Drawings presents over 140 works documenting the abundance of local traditions in the valleys of the highest mountains in the world.